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Rhododendron luteum

(Formerly: Rhododendron pontica)
Heather Family [Ericaceae]

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1st April 2009, Turner Hall Fm, Duddon Valley, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
At a road junction, probably planted at one time in the past, now becoming overrun by Bramble.

25th May 2012, a garden, Coniston, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
More likely to be found in a garden than growing wild. A shrub related to Rhodendendron, but at only 2m is shorter.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
A loner in a wilderness of Pine trees deep in Grizedale Forest. It might have been bird-sown from the few garden specimens in the nearby settlements in and around Coniston.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Flowers are similar sized to those of Rhododendron, but yellow instead of mauve.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Flowers in a rosette or bunch at the ends of woody branches. Stamens protrude conspicuously, curving upwards.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Five large yellow petals which may have an orange coloration on the slightly raised patterning, as may the leaves. Not quite radially symmetric, but equally not notably bi-laterally symmetric either; however there is always a right-way-up, hence like the flowers of Rhododendron it is hemi-zygomorphic.

1st April 2009, Turner Hall Fm, Duddon Valley, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Displaying distinct hemi-zygomorphic symmetry.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Flowers flared like a tuba. Five cream-coloured stamens boldly protrude, curving upwards and tipped with orange anthers. The single stigma is slightly longer and tipped with a small green blob.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
The plant is hairy on all its fresh parts such as leaves, outer petals, sepals and flower stalks (but not the bark).

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Five sepals short and light green. Hairs on sepal are glandular, with tiny bobbles on the ends.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
The five cylindrical anthers are orange-red. Note the green blob on the end of the single and longer stigma.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Unusually, the anthers wrap themselves around the tips of the stamens about one and a half turns.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Leaves similar size and shape of those of Rhododendron, but a lighter green, less shiny, and with an orangish blush.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Leaves pointed and hairy.

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Hairs on leaves not glandular (no tiny blobs on ends)

25th May 2012, Park Plantation, Grizedale Forest, Cumbria. Photo: © RWD
Bark of a young specimen. Woof!

Not to be confused semantically with : Trailing Azalea [a plant from the same Heather Family (Ericaceae) but which is in a differing Genus (Kalmia, rather than Rhododendron, and whose flowers are much smaller and purple]

Uniquely identifiable characteristics

Distinguishing Feature :

There are cultivated garden azaleas that have other than yellow flowers. In the wild it is mostly bird-sown, especially around Burnham Beeches and Buckinghamshire and scattered around the UK, colonising many wet heaths and bogs. The nectar is toxic containing much the same Grayanotoxins as does Rhododendron and Bog Rosemary; honey made by bees visiting Azaleas can be poisonous, so much so that death may result.

  Rhododendron luteum  ⇐ Global Aspect ⇒ Ericaceae  

 family8Heather family8Ericaceae
 BSBI maps


Rhododendron luteum

(Formerly: Rhododendron pontica)
Heather Family [Ericaceae]